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August 27, 2015 2 min read

AAM 370Z Twin Turbo Install   One of the members of the Carolina Z Club recently brought in his clean 2010 Nissan 370Z for a big boost in power via the AAM twin turbo kit.  The AAM kit utilizes the new EFR borg warner turbos so the spool time for this kit is advertised as being very quick with very to little lag.  Along with the turbo kit, Pete decided to go with the fast intentions oil cooler, 1000 cc DW injectors, 340LPH DW fuel pump, turbosmart eboost 2 boost controller, innovate wideband gauge and AAM fuel return system.  With any of the twin turbo kit installs on the 370z, the engine has to be removed from the vehicle to allow for additional room to install the turbos and hot side piping of the turbo kit, which can be seen in the photos below: 20150706_121121_wm_zpstgonc3mq20150706_123036_wm_zpsnxdbht42   AAM provides heat shields with their turbo kit to prevent any additional heat from affecting any additional hoses or lines. 20150706_191001_wm_zps7x9mul4320150706_191031_wm_zps7st8gyx3   You can see how little room you have once the turbos are mounted to the manifolds, but they sure do look great once mounted!   20150706_191022_wm_zpspilwvwuw   Once the turbos, manifolds and additional coolant/ oil lines have been installed, the motor is ready to be placed in the vehicle. 20150711_163722_wm_zpstrsycyht 20150711_163700_wm_zpsvc8b6utb With the engine back in the vehicle, the remainder of the items in the kit such as the fuel pump, injectors, cold side piping, oil cooler and intercooler were installed. 20150711_184036_wm_zpsrwf0uvhj 20150718_125045_wm_zps7ehv7xag 20150720_160001_wm_zps0yjtw68o 20150720_155710_wm_zpszmn9sgyq   20150720_160012_wm_zpsy2zhju6f IMG_20150718_181214_wm_zpszpipm5xj Now that the turbo kit was installed, the wideband gauge and the turbo smart boost controller needed to be installed and then a four wheel alignment prior to visiting the dyno. 20150723_160431_wm_zpsb1fqkzow 20150804_093151_wm_zpsvkim75tj We were now ready to head to the dyno and see what type of power pete's 370z would make as we were aiming for around 500 rwhp. 20150803_144153_wm_zpshgn01s9x 20150803_144136_wm_zps0onfbhdw The first couple of pulls, we were receiving boost levels of 11 to 12 psi and after communicating with AAM, we were told that the medium actuators from Borg Warner were installed on these turbos and that we would have to adjust the boost levels thru the UpRev.  A few more runs were made and we were able to get the boost to be around 8 psi netting around 500 rwhp in fourth gear (which can be seen in the dyno graph below), on par for what pete was looking for in terms of power. Petes 370z 4th gear_zpsxmt3woxf Great power for everyday driving and the power comes in quick with very little lag!   During the build we ran into a few issues with an ac line from AAM and a couple of other items but they were able to get resolved after a few phone calls to them.  After picking up the vehicle and driving it for a couple of days, pete decided to bring the vehicle back and have the AAM fuel return system installed to allow for a more consistent fuel flow to the engine and during driving. 20150813_072552                

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